Stretching for Low Back Pain – Quad/Hip Flexor Muscles

So I’ve been really delinquent about keeping my blog updated over the last couple of months so I thought I should post something to get some new information on our site. What you’ll notice is that I’m expanding what I want to share with everybody beyond tennis ball massage. Don’t worry, I still have some tennis ball massage “tricks” to share but those will come later.

Stretching is as important as any other exercise, e.g., jogging, weight lifting, playing sports like hockey or ultimate, but it is often undervalued. The problem is that most people don’t consider stretching exercise and therefore, I think you’ll agree, it often gets neglected. It’s something that many of us really don’t take the time to do often enough and I attribute that mostly to the simple fact that it’s boring and it sometimes hurts.

Something that I’ve been experiementing with is stretching hip flexor muscles to combat low back tension. What I’m really referring to is stretching the quadriceps muscle group and involving a bit of hip extension to include the iliopsoas muscle and tensor fascia latae. I know, too technical but if you just think hip flexor muscles you’ll be in a good head space.

I like to call my stretches “lazy” because I hate to work hard while I stretch, so I often look for easier ways to accomplish the same benefits of stretching with minimal work. Besides, I’m not much different than most people and I too neglect stretching enough at times.

Check out my latest quad/hip flexor stretch video. Quad/Hip Flexor Lazy Stretching

The benefits are amazing! If you detect tight hip flexor muscles and low back pain then try what I’ve suggested. It helps me tremendously and it could be the key to a healthier back.

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