Free Tennis Balls at Hillsview!

Ok, well I’m back and there’s only one day left, that’s right, one day remaining for free McD’s coffee. I have to admit that I’ve taken full advantage of the promo and can now say that I have another viable coffee option when I’m on the road or just in need of a caffeine fix. I do however have to admit a slight need for consistency in their brew and did find a variation of tastes from one day to the next. However, I’m not so certain that there is a vendor out there that maintains consistency the way “the corporations” expect it to be. Anyway, I think I’ll hit the local golden arches for my last cup of free brew tomorrow. If I was a twitterer I’d let you know when I’m there. Is that even a word? Somehow I’m scared to say that I  think it might be!

So now that free coffee has come to an end I thought that I’d share another freebee with everyone out there.  Starting March 13th at Hillsview Massage and Therapy Centre or HMTC as I like to call us, we are giving out free tennis balls! Ok, it’s not quite as good as coffee, it doesn’t come with a caffeine kick – or should I say enough cream and sugar to turn your java into a sweet tooth desert but they are FREE! I really don’t know how long I’m going to be able to keep this free kick up – I’m afraid I could run out of free items to promote or give out – without giving the shirt off my back to someone. Anyway, we are recycling good used tennis balls, not the cheap three for a buck kind that break after lying on it for 30 minutes.  I mean the hardcore kind: Dunlop,  Wilson, and Penn that people serve at 100 km an hour developing a trademark grunt because they hit so hard. So if they can stand up to that kind of beating then they should do us just fine.

Drop by the clinic, book a massage, or just come by and pick up your free tennis ball. Oh, and keep on the lookout for a “how to” video coming soon.

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